Bule Hora University hosted a special event to honor the new and former leaders of the institution.

November 24/2023
The university had recently appointed its president and two vice presidents, who were in charge of different areas of the university's positions as well as Head of President's office. The event was organized by the PR office & the office stated that the purpose of the event was to create a culture of appreciation among the leaders and the staff. 

Vice President Position Applicant's Overall Result

Congratulations! To Dr. Negesa Mokona and Dr. Tinsae Tamirat The competition for the position of Vice President at Bule Hora University has concluded and among the contestants who achieved the highest results, the university community congratulates Dr. Tinsae Tamirat on their appointment as Vice President of Academic Research, Technology Transfer, and Community Service at Bule Hora University. Additionally, we extend our congratulations to Dr.

በቡሌ ሆራ ማስተማሪያ ሆስፒታል አንድ ኪሎ ግራም የሚመዝን እጢ ከአንድ ታካሚ አንገት ላይ ተወግዷል።

ህዳር 06/2016 ዓ.ም
ታካሚዋ ከአምስት አመት በላይ አንገቷ ላይ እጢ የነበረባት  ሲሆን በሆስፒታሉ ውስጥ የተለያዩ ምርመራ እና ህክምና ከተደረገላት በኋላ እጢው ያለምንም ችግር ተወግዶላታል።
በቡሌ ሆራ መማሪያ ሆስፒታል ውስጥ በተለያዩ ህክምና ዘርፍ ላይ ስፔሻላይዝ ያደረጉ የቀዶ ህክምና ባለሙያዎች ስላሉ ህብረተሰቡ ይህንን  ተረድቶ  እንዲጠቀምበት የሆስፒታሉ ማኔጅመንት እስታውቋል::

በቡሌ ሆራ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በአዲሱ የሠራተኞች ምደባ መዋቅር መሠረት ወደ ትግበራ ለመግባት የአስተዳደር ሠራተኞች ምደባ ኮሚቴ ምርጫ ተካሄደ፡፡ 

ህዳር 06/2016 ዓ.ም
በሲቭል ሰርቭስ ሚኒስቴር በኩል ለሁሉም ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች አዲስ የሠራተኞች ምደባ መዋቅር መመሪያ መላኩ ይታወሳል፡፡
