Training was given on research and research planning preparation.

Training was given on research and research planning preparation
Bule Hora University Community Service Directorate in collaboration with Education and Behavioral Science College  has given training to Adola Teachers on "Research and Research Design Idea Program" at Guji Girja Campus.
A large number of Adola teachers and teachers of education college participated in the training. It was given a training that focuses on comprehensive research and research preparation.
Adola Woyu city Guji Girja campus, dean M/r Asfaw Gela said the training has a great role to fill the gap of research and research, to promote teachers' motivation for research and research and to build institutions.
Bule Hora University, the social service technology transition coordinator Mr. Mektachew Kasaye, stated that the training has a great benefit to develop the motivation of teachers, the university has environmental protection, in various awareness trainings, consulting services, technology transition and the natural and man-made problems that occur. All around community service. They have stated that it is given and found.
The participants of the training have also stated that the training will help them to conduct problem solving research and boost research motivation.
The training will continue for two consecutive days on topics that can enhance research and research capacity and encourage research work.
The training is being given in Adola Woyu teachers and education training college students graduation hall.
We Strive for Excellence!!!
Bule Hora University Guji Girja Campus
December 06/2014 E.C. M (Adola woyu)