Staf Profile
Staff profile
Our department has currently 12 active staff, 5 study-leave staff and 1 administrative staff members. We have a member of professionalized staff on the area of Biostatistics, Applied Statistics, Industrial Statistics, and Econometrics. In addition to this, our staff are engaged on teaching activities, leadership, and doing different publishing activities via the Scopus, Web Science, and Pub Med that proves the statistical application through the research and working different community service activities.
Name: Kenenisa Abdisa Kuse
Position: Head, Department of Statistics
Office: Block 030, Room 61
Academic Rank: MS.c
Phone number: +251955273240
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Applied Statistics)
List of publications:
Individual, Maternal, Household, and Community Level Variability in Determining Inequalities in Childhood Anaemia within Ethiopia: Four-Level Multilevel Analysis Approach (Article)
Assessing Individual‐ and Community‐Level Variability in Predictors of Neonatal, Infant, and Under‐Five Child Mortality in Ethiopia Using a Multilevel Modeling Approach (Article)
Extraction And Characterization Of Gelatin From Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Skin Wastes Generated In Arba Minch Local Fish Processing Industry and Its Value Addition As Stabilizer On Yoghurt (Preprint) DOI:
Comparison of Nutritional Values of Cookies Produced from Enset Bulla Fortied with Soybean Flour (Article) ISSN (Online) 2708-2830
Prevalence and Determinants of Stunting and Wasting On Children Under-Five Years in Ethiopia (Article) DOI: 10.24966/NCP-878X/100105
Spatial distribution and determinants of stunting, wasting and underweight in children under-five in Ethiopia (Article)
Model-based comparison on multiple imputations and missing data analysis on nutritional status among under-five children in Ethiopia (Preprint) DOI:
Multilevel Modeling of Individual, Community and Regional Level Factors Associated with Insecticide-Treated Net Usage among Pregnant Women in Ethiopia (Article) healthcare10081418
Multilevel Modeling of the Individual and Regional Level Variability in Predictors of Incomplete Antenatal Care Visit among Women of Reproductive Age in Ethiopia: Classical and Bayesian Approaches (Article)
Under-nutrition in children under-five in Ethiopia: A hierarchical analysis Under-nutrition in children under-five in Ethiopia: A hierarchical analysis (Preprint) 10.21203/
Modeling the volatility of macroeconomic variables in Ethiopia: A multivariate GARCH approach (Preprint)
Name: Daba Ketema Huriso
Position: Vice Dean, College of Natural and Computational Science
Office: Block 030, Room 55
Academic Rank: MS.c
Phone number: +251913150301
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Industrial Statistics)
List of publications:
1. Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Modeling of the Relationship Between Major Economic Indicators in Ethiopia.
Name: Abdisa Jura Hunduma
Position: Research and Community Service Coordinator, College of Natural and Computational Science
Office: Block 030, Room 60
Academic Rank: MS.c
Phone number: +251933143808/+251900570495
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Biostatistics)
List of publications:
Multilevel Analysis of Factors Determining Female Genital Mutilation Practice in Ethiopia፡ Evidence from the 2016 Ethiopian Demography and Health Survey.
Name: Hirko Beyene Gerbi
Position: Quality Assurance Coordinator, College of Natural and Computational Science
Academic Rank: MS.c
Phone number: +251908325250
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Biostatistics)
Name: Dereje Demeke Danoro
Academic Rank: MS.c
Phone number: +251994324330
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Econometrics)
List of publications:
1. Modeling and forecasting versatility of price inflation in Ethiopia using GARCH family models
2. Modeling current general price inflation and its reintegration with macroeconomic variables in Ethiopia, Journal.
Name: Abdisa Adem Hasen
Academic Rank: MS.c
Phone number: +251926417346
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Industrial Statistics)
Name: Tinishi Bido Kola
Academic Rank: BSc.
Phone number:+251978869608
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc Candidate in Biostatistics)
Name: Ammar Teshita Kumbi
Academic Rank: BSc.
Office: B025, Room 17
Phone number:+251916791015/+251926460024
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc Candidate in Applied Statistics)
Name: Ararso Shiferaw Tucho
Academic Rank: MSc.
Office: B109, G+1
Phone number:+251910001913/+251933229922
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Applied Statistics)
Name: Olana Angessa Dabi
Academic Rank: MSc, Assistant Professor, PhD Candidate.
Office: B025, Room 17
Phone number:+251922591132
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Applied Statistics, PhD Candidate in Statistics)
Name: Tayu Nigussie Abebe
Academic Rank: MSc.
Office: B109, G+1
Phone number:+251934947461
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Applied Statistics, PhD Candidate in Applied Statistics)
Name: Andamilak Sime W/Silasse
Academic Rank: BSc.
Office: B109, G+1
Phone number:+251923904727
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics)
Name: Abishu Ushi Wario
Academic Rank: MSc.
Office: B109, G+1
Phone number:+251913961424
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Applied Statistics)
Name: Bekele Haile Gemechu
Academic Rank: MSc.
Office: B109, G+1
Phone number:+251955273170
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Biostatistics)
Name: Hussen Kasim Adem
Academic Rank: BSc.
Phone number:+251905118732
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc Candidate in Biostatistics)
Name: Demie Seyoum Jima
Academic Rank: MSc.
Office: B109, G+1
Phone number:+251943129898
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc in Biostatistics)
Name: Teshale Nagawo Bankuli
Academic Rank: BSc.
Office: B109, G+1
Phone number:+251924101785
Specialization: (BSc in Statistics, MSc Candidates)
Student Profile
The relevance and importance of teaching science in general and Statistics in particular in teaching and research to Ethiopia is thus apparent. As a developing Country aspiring to achieve overall advancement, the country has the option to combine both low and high level knowledge in Statistics to benefit its society particularly in the areas of Biological and Physical Sciences, Agricultural, Business, Finance, Economics, Engineering, and Many other fields. The country promotes the science of Statistics through advanced level university study and research. This document is the Harmonized Curriculum of Statistics teaching for the Bachelor Degree Program across the various universities Nationwide. Additionally, the department offers an undergraduate degree in Statistics in the University with the objectives of the critical reason of launching this program is to fill the human resource gap in various organizations. So far, five batches (more than 278 students of which 167 and 111 are male and female respectively) had graduated with the BSc degree program. Currently, estimated more than 10 second year students and 30 fourth year undergraduate students are learning this program. The department are also engaged in giving different practical activity especially on Research methods and Sample practice, and Statistical Quality Control course in different statistical agency and different Industrial Park here today.