Management Department

Management Department
Head Department of Management
Name: Mr Gazu Garuma (MBA)
Office room 124, Aba Gada Jilo Mandho Building
Telephone Number: -
Mobile: 0917677180
P.O.Box 144, Bule Hora, Ethiopia
Overview Department of Management               
The Department of Management is one of the oldest departments in Bule Hora University, established under the College of Business and Economics. The Department is currently under the College of Business and Economics located on the former Faculty of Business and Economics.
The Department runs both graduate and undergraduate programs namely:
  •   BA in Management (Regular and weekend); and
  •   MBA in Management (Regular and weekend);
  • MA in Project Management (Regular and weekend);
  •   PhD in Management
Program objectives
Through its programs the department has the objective of producing:
  • Professionals who are capable of planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities of private, public, non-government and government organizations;
  • Professionals who can competently manage marketing, finance operations, human resource, materials, information resources, etc.;
  • Professionals who are responsive and effective in working with and through others as well as capable of making and implementing decisions;
  • Professionals capable of searching and developing opportunities as well as tackling problems; and
  • Professionals who are able to face the challenges of todays and tomorrows highly complex and competitive environment.
Professional Profile
The Department is engaged in enabling students to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical know-how pertinent to the management profession so that they will be competent nationally and internationally. It works towards helping students transfer employability skill in an ethical manner that can be mirrored through their cognitive ability, interpersonal skills, numeric skills and research skills.
Program Profile
The program prepares students to become professional managers capable of executing Human Resources Management, Information System Management, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Materials Management and Financial Management and other managerial functional areas. The program will:
  • Equip students with a realistic overview of major principles and techniques of human resources management systems;
  • Develop the students’ ability and skills to identify the sources of the information they need and how to utilize the information obtained efficiently;
  •  Introduce students to the development and operation of markets-local, national and international-for resources, goods and services;
  •  Provide students of management with a sound understanding of the concept’s techniques, and applications of production and operations management;
  • Equip students with entrepreneurship and ethical concepts; and
  • Equip students with the methods and techniques of acquiring, utilizing, and issuing material resources.
Graduate Profile
The program is aimed at producing graduates that are equipped with adequate knowledge, skill and attitude towards the application of management concepts. Specifically, graduates of the Department are expected to be able to:
  • Make rational decisions to solve organizational problems and manage conflicts;
  • Take initiatives and bring about innovations;
  • Be critical and independent thinkers;
  • Analyze the organization as a total system and align with its environment;
  • Search and develop opportunities as well as track problems, and face and respond to the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s highly complex and competitive environment;
  • Plan, organize, direct and control the activities of all types of organizations;
  • Competently manage the marketing, human power, finance, operations, materials, information resources, etc. of organizations;
  • Be responsive and effective in working with and through others by developing an understanding of common goals;
  • Conduct research and consultancy services in management and related areas and offer training for those who need it;
  • Understand the legal, social and ethical responsibilities associated with the management of all types of organization;
  • Use information communication technology in managing organizational resources; and
  • Use and maintain professional commitment required in the area.