Department of Cooperatives

Department of Cooperatives
Darajjee Hayiluu Koorsaa (MA)
Head, Department of Cooperatives (Cooperative Business Management and Cooperatives & Applied Auditing
Mobile: 0925968505
Cooperatives operate in all sectors of the economy providing various products and services to the members and the community at large.”
Vision and Mission of the department
Vision: to become a highly efficient, dynamic and competitive centre for cooperatives education, research and development in ten years’ time.
Mission: to promote, through its research, consultancy, training and educational activities the continued growth of the cooperative movement as an effective, locally-owned and democratically-controlled sector in an economy, designed to address the urgent needs and problems of the community.
Objectives of the Department 
The overall goal of the program is to create competent, highly skilled and committed cooperative professionals capable of promoting the cooperative sectors and thereby contributing to the overall development effort of the country.
The department has two programs: namely Cooperative Business Management and Cooperative Accounting and Auditing. Currently the department has 57 students.
Graduate profile of Business Management Programs
The graduates with BA degree in Cooperatives Business Management will have the following competencies:
  • Know concepts, theories, principles and philosophy of cooperatives, cooperative organization and management
  • Conduct need assessment and organize cooperatives,
  • Prepare organizational plans, manage cooperatives, offer training and consultancy services
  • Managing financial institutions like commercial and developmental banks, cooperative banks, SACCOS, micro finance, etc
  • Develop the attitude of self-help, self-reliance and self-employment. Moreover, they show the basic sense of honesty, unity and dedication in executing tasks they are assigned for
  • Organizing, managing and leading higher level economic cooperative institutions in the country like cooperatives unions, cooperation federations and leagues
  • Conducting research to solve problems in the community
  • Give training in higher educational institutions, TVET colleges, and training centers
  • Organize and manage business enterprises such as commercial farms, agro processing units, consumer stores, export and import based businesses and other business enterprises
Plan, implement and administer community-based development projects in association with governmental and non-governmental organizations
Graduate profile of Accounting and Auditing Programs
After completion of this training, graduates of cooperative accounting and auditing will have the following competencies:
  • Know concepts, theories, principles and philosophy of cooperation and cooperative organizations
  • Work clerical activities like, keeping general accounts, records and reports; payroll processing and billings
  • Prepare, analyze, and interpret financial statements competently
  • Provide Audits, consultancy and training services for cooperatives in particular and for other organizations in general
  • Analyze, interpret and communicate cost and related information to management for planning, control and decision making.
  • Discover urgent and enduring solutions to problems encountered in accounting and auditing of Cooperatives and other organizations
  • Analyze and design accounting information systems, and use proper computer applications in business transaction cycles
  • Work with the dynamic business environment by applying basic accounting and auditing functions and skills to achieve Cooperatives objectives
  • Plan, implement and administer community-based development projects in association with governmental and non-governmental organizations