Business Administration and Information system Department

Business Administration and Information system Department
Department Head of Business Administration and Information Systems           
 Mr. Marga Banti                           
Phone Number: - 0921193210
Gmail: -          
P. O. Box 144, Bule Hora, Ethiopia
The BAIS program is designed to provide students with a strong educational foundation that prepares them as information systems professionals with strong business knowledge background. The academic program consists of a specially designed curriculum that emphasizes conceptual, analytical, technical, and interpersonal skills. The major area offers students comprehensive training in the application, use and management of Information Systems to prepare them provide effective information services and support to organizations. The course work is designed to provide technical and conceptual skills associated with the use of information technology in business and non-business organizations with major focus of innovation through the use of ICT.
Upon successful completion of BAIS program courses, the students will be able to:
  1. Develop business-oriented systems professionals who have experience in improving organizational processes while in participating in problem solving teams in project-oriented environments.
  2. Identify organizational opportunities that can be enhanced by the use of information technology.
  3. Develop communication competence needed to act as a liaison between technical and non- technical members of system development teams.
  4. Design various aspects of information systems, including programming, database, software, web application, telecommunication and human interface components in collaboration with cross functional teams.
  5. Lead and manage teams responsible for developing and supporting information systems.
  6. Participate in product innovation using information technology.
  7. Prepare students for Information Systems consultancy services with some experience.
Upon successful completion of the program, the graduates of BAIS will be able to:
  1. Identify the existing and emerging information technologies and their impact on the business information systems function.
  2. Critically analyses business processes.
  3. Assess information requirements.
  4. Create business solutions and technical specifications for the supporting systems.
  5. Provide business software development skills that will enable them work as team members and team leaders.
  6. Provide expertise to design and develop database applications and commercial web applications using the latest languages, databases and web technologies.
  7. Provide expertise in the latest communication technologies.
  8. Train interpersonal and communication skills to effectively interact with various information systems.
  9. Design, implement and administer small, medium and enterprise size local area networks.
  10. Work and lead professionals in network environment.
  11. Manage organizational information resources effectively and efficiently.
  12. Help business managers in decision making by developing various decision support systems, by collecting, processing and disseminating information for all organizational units and by promoting the use of information for various business purposes within all the ladders of an organization.
  13. Control and manage security of organization’s information systems.
  14. Critically analyze business processes and make rational decisions to solve organizational problems
  15. Apply quantitative tools to solve managerial problems
  16. Manage human resources of an organization by understanding individual differences, group behavior and organization level behavior.
  17. Initiate, innovate and manage various projects.
  18. Design appropriate and robust strategies to shape or cope up with changing organizational environment
As a graduate of this program, the students will be prepared for a career as an analyst, manager, or specialist in business operations through the application of information technology. Specifically, the program is designed for those who plan a professional or managerial career in the field of business administration and information systems. Such as,
    • Information Systems Manager
    • System Analyst and Designer
    • Database Administrator
    • Management trainee
    • Junior business analyst
    • Management analyst
    • Business consultants
    • Consultant and trainer in business administration and information system areas (application of IT in business, system analysis and design, database management, e-commerce etc)
    • Recommend and decide on the information systems requirements of organizations
    • Facilitate decision making through the application of information technology
    • Solve problems scientifically
    • Operations Research Analyst
    • Design IT strategy for organizations
    • Facilitate organizations for change through the application of IT
    • Consultant and trainer in business administration and information systems areas (aappli   of IT in business, system analysis and design, database management, e-commerce and webpage development, etc)