Bule Hora University Health Institute hosts "Health Night" program

The program was attended by the university's health science students, the vice president of Academic, Research, Technology transfer and Community Service, Dr. Tinsaye Tamrat, and other leaders and instructors of the university. The Director of the Health Institute, Dr. Safayi Elema, said that the program was designed to prepare the graduating students for the upcoming exit exam and to showcase their skills and knowledge. Dr. Tinsaye Tamrat, also addressed the participants. He emphasized that health work is related to human life and requires a high level of competence. Dr. Mersha Ashagre, the Director of Academic Affairs, also spoke at the event. He pointed out that the Health Institute is one of the leading institutes in the university and that it has produced many qualified graduates who are serving the society. The program featured various presentations and demonstrations by the health science students.